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Turning Joshua's Words into Action

The idea of Joshua's Great Things actually began with Joshua.  Each night before he went to bed, he would say, "God will do great things in me."  We actually found a verse in the Bible stating, "Joshua told the people...tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you." Joshua 3:5


Joshua began his journey in 2003, when at 2 months old, he was diagnosed with a low-grade brain tumor (a Desmoplastic Infantile Ganglioglioma).  He had several major surgeries to remove the tumor.  In the spring of 2004, the tumor returned in diffuse locations.  He received chemotherapy from 2004-2005, which stopped the tumor growth.  Over the years, Joshua had numerous surgeries, but remained stable for more than six years.  Unfortunately, in 2012, the tumor transformed into a high-grade glioblastoma and spread to his abdomen.  Despite many different treatment plans, by May 2013, it became clear they weren't working and no other options remained.  Joshua passed away at home on June 2, 2013.  


Joshua had an amazing life, despite all the trials that he faced.  He had incredible strength and wisdom for someone so young.  He lived his life doing great things by making the most of each day and investing in others. We believe Great Things will continue to be done through him, which is why we started this foundation.  


Joshua's Great Things has two missions: to fund much needed pediatric brain cancer research and to help families with some of their basic needs while taking care of a child in treatment for brain cancer.  

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